Benefits Of Breastfeeding - Cicle Health

Mothers are advised to breastfeed their newborn for 6 months or longer, this is because breast milk contains all the right nutrients that will help in the development of the child. The first few days after delivery, your breasts produce a thick yellowish fluid called colostrum. Colostrum is low in sugar and high in protein. The nutrients in colostrum can't be replaced with baby formulas. Colostrum which is also called first milk helps the baby's digestive system develop. Breast milk caters to the child's needs at every stage. Below are some benefits of breastfeeding . Benefits Of Breastfeeding Breast milk contains antibodies Aside from its nutritional value, breast milk contains antibodies that help the child fight off bacteria and viruses. Remember that the child's system is still developing, so it will be easy for them to fall sick. Colostrum provides a high amount of immunoglobulin which gives immunity to the child. Studies have shown that babies who were not breast...