
Showing posts from November, 2022

Vagina dryness All the information you need — Cicle Health

When the vagina lacks the normal amount of moisture, it is said to be dry, burning, itching, soreness, or lack of lubrication during intercourse are all symptoms of this prevalent issue. Vaginal dryness can affect any woman, although it most frequently affects those who have gone through  menopause . Over 50% of women who have reached menopause are affected. A quarter of the women in this age bracket report feeling dry or uncomfortable during intercourse. Talk to your doctor about what may be done to help if you’re in pain, including potential medications you can take. to book an appointment Symptoms of Vagina Dryness There are several symptoms of vaginal dryness, which include: Causes of vagina dryness In many cases, vagina dryness occurs when estrogen levels drop. It naturally occurs  during menopause . When estrogen levels fall, the tissue and skin of the vagina and vulva thin. And become less elastic, which makes the vagina becomes dry. Certain health conditions or any typ...

Postpartum Psychosis — Cicle Health

Postpartum psychosis is a rare mental illness that affects women after childbirth. It is so rare that it affects about one in five hundred women. This mental illness should be taken seriously and considered a medical emergency because symptoms may cause harm to the mother of the child. Postpartum depression manifests during the week of delivery. The symptoms are often severe and can be scary for both the mother and the family • Delusion: usual thoughts and beliefs •Hallucination: seeing, hearing, feeling, and smelling things that aren't there •Depression: Severe case of depression that might require mood boosters •Mood swings •Paranoia •Manic moods • detachment from people   RISK FACTORS You are at risk of having Postpartum psychosis if you have a family history of psychosis if you've once had a psychotic episode, if you suffer from bipolar disorder and if you have extreme mood swings while pregnant. It is advisable you do not wait till the symptoms manifest before you seek ...

Postpartum Psychosis is Real - Cicle Health

I started feeling the symptoms of postpartum psychosis a few months after the birth of my first child. I didn't realize it on time, but I knew what I felt was way beyond baby blues. I was starting to lose my mind. At some point, I thought my husband was plotting to kill me. I had negative and suicidal thoughts. I could have sworn that all my hallucinations (both visual and auditory) were real. I once suffered from major depression for years after I lost my mum to suicide, so I finally recognized the signs of failing mental health. I dragged myself to the hospital and explained everything. I was diagnosed with postpartum psychosis . A severe form of postpartum depression. I was placed on antidepressants and therapy. After a while, I began to feel better. Everything changed when I became pregnant again. I had to stop using my drugs. I was able to recognize the signs sooner and I sought help immediately. Within a few weeks of drugs and therapy, I was able to turn my life around. I am...

A Miraculous Conception — Cicle Health

Congratulations ma'am, you are six weeks pregnant. As soon as I heard those words, I fell to my knees and started praising God. After 10 years of battling infertility, I finally became pregnant. Let me go down memory lane. My name is Iza and I was diagnosed with PCOS when I had issues conceiving. To tell the truth, I gave up after the first five years, but my husband is a man filled with Faith, and he kept encouraging me. Thankfully I took his advice.  People judged us a lot and assumed we didn't want children, but we knew how we were coping each day, we knew the tears we hid behind the smiles. I kept on going for treatments, even on days I was down on my knees with no strength to continue. The shame, ridicule, and pain were too much to handle, but my husband kept believing and I believe in my husband, so I continued. We kept on trying and nothing happened. My PCOS wasn't even an issue anymore. After so many IUI I gave up on Fertility treatments and just hoped for the bes...

Five Infertility Myths — Cicle Health

  According to the National Institute of Health, one-third of infertility is caused because of the woman’s reproductive system, another third is caused by the man’s reproductive system and the final third is by both parties or unknown.  Infertility  doesn’t just plague women, some men are infertile too. BIRTH CONTROL CAUSES INFERTILITY If I had a dollar for every time I heard this, I’d probably be a millionaire by now. No research has backed this claim. Birth control pills don’t have an adverse effect on the health of the woman after discontinued use ONLY THOSE IN THEIR MIDDLE AGE SUFFER FROM INFERTILITY Age is a factor but isn’t the only factor. There are other reasons for infertility like low sperm count,  PCOS , pelvic infection, etc. All these can happen at any age. So this myth should be debunked YOU CAN’T BE INFERTILE IF YOU ALREADY HAVE A CHILD This is false, some people experience difficulty conceiving after having a child, this is called secondary infertilit...

Things to Avoid During Pregnancy — Cicle Health

Image Pregnancy  is often an exciting time for most families. Adequate care of yourself and your child is essential in limiting the risks of Pregnancy complications. You are responsible for the development of your child as the child takes form and shape in you. To be on the safe side, here are things to avoid during pregnancy AVOID STRESSFUL ACTIVITIES/SITUATIONS Do not overexert yourself. Stress is one of the causes of miscarriage and preterm labor. During pregnancy, pressure can increase the chances of having a premature baby. Babies born too soon or too tiny are at increased risk for health problems. Stress also causes high blood pressure and heart disease. AVOID ALCOHOLIC DRINKS Alcohol can cause damage to the brain of the child. It can cause premature birth, and cause a serious condition called fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. It can also cause heart defects, miscarriage, and stillbirth. AVOID SMOKING Smoking also puts you at  risk of a miscarriage . The child ...

Premenstrual Syndrome — Cicle Health

  The wide range of  physical and psychological symptoms  that women encounter before to their period are referred to as PMS. The symptoms are most likely caused by normal variations in hormone levels, particularly those of progesterone and estrogen in the week or two prior to menstruation. Following ovulation, the levels of estrogen and progesterone sharply decline. This might significantly contribute to the emergence of PMS symptoms. Mild to severe PMS symptoms can be experienced. Some people get periods without ever showing any signs of PMS. However, for some people,  PMS symptoms  can considerably impair their capacity to carry out daily tasks and even degrade their quality of life. PMS symptoms and signs Tension or anxiety Headache Crying spells Joint or muscle pain Fatigue Weight gain Depression Abdominal bloating Breast tenderness Mood swings and agitation Acne Constipation or diarrhea Some people’s physical discomfort and emotional stress are so severe t...

Causes of PCOS — Cicle Health

Despite the fact that the precise origin of the   polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)  remains unknown, it is believed to be connected to hormone levels. GENETICS PCOS can run in families due to genetics. You are at a higher chance of having PCOS if any of your relatives does. Although particular genes linked to PCOS have not yet been discovered, this shows that the disorder may have a hereditary component. INSULIN RESISTANCE A hormone called insulin is created by the pancreas to regulate blood sugar levels. It aids in transferring blood glucose into cells, where it is broken down to create energy. The term “insulin resistance” refers to the body’s tissues being resistant to insulin’s actions. In order to make up for this, the body must create more insulin. High insulin levels cause the ovaries to overproduce testosterone, which interferes with the growth of follicles-the sacs in the ovaries where eggs develop-and ovulation in a healthy way. Additionally, insulin resistance can...

Simple Tips For Reducing Acne — Cicle Health

Acne is an incredibly common skin condition that can be incredibly frustrating. Despite the fact that there are many different treatments available, acne can still be a pain to deal with. Acne is an incredibly common skin condition that can be incredibly frustrating. Despite the fact that there are many different treatments available, acne can still be a pain to deal with. If you're like many people, you've probably been told that acne is a common problem that can be treated with topical products and/or over-the-counter medications. While this is often true, there are also some simple ways to reduce acne that you may not have considered. In this article, we'll outline five of these tips. 1. Avoid using steam or hot water to clean your skin. These techniques are often too harsh and can cause your skin to produce more oils and bacteria. Instead, use a gentle cleanser that is specifically designed for acne-prone skin. 2. Avoid high-sugar foods and drinks. These foods can cau...