What are the ways to calculate your ovulation days, without a doctor's help?

 The simplest way to predict fertile days is the calendar method, which is where you predict fertile days based upon your average menstrual cycle. Cicle is one of the apps which gives you accurate result for this

For example, ovulation happens roughly two weeks before menstruation, so if you had 28-day cycle ovulation would occur around day 14 of your menstrual cycle - with fertile Cervical fluid being present up to a week beforehand that would mean the most fertile phase would be between days 7-16 of a 28-day menstrual cycle.

You can use various menstrual cycle tracking apps to track your cycles to help you predict fertile days and also tools such as Cicle - then It will give you details like when you are ovulating or the best time to try to get pregnant.

Apart from predicting when you may be fertile or not this is a lot more exact and depends on observable changes in the body to track the cycle day-to-day to determine exactly when you are fertile - this can be used as pregnancy achievement as well as being accurate enough to be used as a highly effective method of birth control.

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